About Us
The Chicagoland area has a notable heritage of historic homes. If you are one of the proud owners of these distinctive properties, you understandably do not want to compromise the rich tradition of your home's architecture. However, you may need to remodel to create more room for a growing family, or otherwise adapt your home to better suit your needs. When it comes to historic renovation, it’s all in the details. Restoration work can be very demanding. Historic building renovation requires skill and expertise that go beyond the ordinary. McJames Construction has the expertise to carefully assess your historic property’s unique set of challenges and provide solutions to skillfully restore and preserve all or part of your historical building. Look to McJames Construction for all types of historic renovation projects throughout Chicago and DuPage County.
Superior craftsmanship, techniques, and material make McJames Construction a perfect choice to maintain the historic integrity of your building while revitalizing a tired exterior and modernizing an interior space.
We believe that the most satisfactory and efficient plans for historic preservation are a compromise between the needs of our client and the intent of the original builder. We are prepared to produce sound, reliable work from old photographs, client drawings and even from salvaged historic fragments. Contact us to find the most cost-effective way to bring us into the design process early, to establish realistic budgets and schedules.

Matt Rooney

McJames Construction recipient of the
"2013 Chicago Landmark Award for Preservation and Excellence Rehabilitation"
for 934 N Hoyne, Chicago